Classes are 6 hours in length and participants are able to choose three classes over the course of the event.
Multi-day classes are available. You cannot register for individual days of a multi-day class. Registration is for the complete class and its total number of days.
Class registration is paid to MAQ for event costs including an instructor fee. The fee structure will be available by the end of January so participants can make informed decisions. Individual instructors have additional costs for materials, patterns, and kits that are due directly to the instructor. These additional class fees are listed on the MAQ Class Schedule.
Friday Workshops
Saturday Workshops
Sunday Workshops
Alice All Levels applique Barbara Blanton Barbara D Beginner Beth H blocks Cris Roach Easy Feathers Foundation Paper Piecing Free Motion Freemotion Friday Ginny handwork Heather Jane Joan Joy Joyce Julie Belin Karen K Kevin Landscape Linda Lynn Wheatley Madge Merry Moderate Multi-day Multi Day nature No Extra Fees Quilted Sneakers Quiltworx Ruler Work saturday Shoes Studio 180 sunday Tammy Tina wallhanging