There are two models of campus-provided housing: traditional housing and apartment housing. Campus housing registration will open along with class registration.
All housing packages include a full meal plan with dinner the night of the reservation with breakfast and lunch the following day.
Traditional housing is a series of old motels that have been converted to college housing. They are located on campus. Some units may have street parking. Traditional rooms are all ground level. They can be booked as double (with a roommate) or single. When booking these units consider your preference about walking to classes and events on campus. These are one bedroom with one bath. When booking a double room, we ask that you only park one car per room, to ensure that there is ample parking for all rooms.

Single Room | Double Room (per Person) | |
Traditional | $ | $ |
Apartment housing are dorm rooms arranged in a suite layout. Apple, the closest dorm does not have an elevator, but we will have porters to help carry belongings. Due to Fire Marshalls orders, the beds in the Apple Dorms will be configured as Loft Style Beds with the dressers underneath the bed. The beds will NOT be able to be lowered in position.
Two dorms are a little further from classes but have elevators and will house the majority of participants. These apartment style rooms are clusters of bedrooms with one bath and a kitchenette. Some rooms accommodate roommates in a bedroom. These rooms are smaller than a motel bedroom and close quarters should be expected if you choose to share in a double. The maximum number per apartment is seven. On the registration form, please indicate if you need accessibility accommodations.

Single Room | Double Room | |
Apartment |
Gettysburg College has parking lots available near both housing and class buildings. There are no parking fees, with the exception of on street parking.