- Christmas Cactus
- Crossroads Quilt CLASS IS FULL
- Echo Star with Pinwheels
- Floral Textures and Techniques
- Free Motion Fillers
- Happy Feet! Quilted Sneakers FRIDAY CLASS IS FULL
- Hover
- I’m Seeing Stars! Wedge Stars and Lemoyne Stars
- Just Cuz
- Kawandi and Kantha Stitching
- Legit Kits Blue Jay Mini
- One-Step Strip-Piecing and Quilting
- Parfait Dyeing
- Quilt As You Go Checkerboard Quilt
- Reverse Applique Blossoms
- Ruler Work for Beginners
- Sassy Sunflowers
- Spicy Spiral
- Studio
- Vintage Belle
- Wonky Log Cabin Scrap Quilt