*What are the dates of MAQ?
MAQ will be held June 6 – 8, 2025
*Where will MAQ be held?
On the Campus of Gettysburg College
*When does registration open?
March 1, 2025 at 10:00 am
Registering early in the registration window is advised as many classes will fill to capacity.
*When does registration close?
May 3, 2025 at 10:00 am
If I need to cancel, do I get a full refund?
Membership Dues are non refundable. Everyone that pays membership dues will receive a membership card.
The MAQ Board makes a commitment to Gettysburg College and to our Instructors, so therefore a tiered refund policy will be in place.
March 2-April 2 Class Fees, Meals & Housing will be refunded.
April 3-May 3 Meals & Housing will be refunded.
*No Refunds will be processed After May 3, unless a class is cancelled by MAQ.
If I need to cancel, am I able to transfer my registration to another quilter?
Yes, but class changes and accommodation changes are not permitted.
Housing & Accommodations
What do I need to pack to stay in on-campus housing?
Towels & Sheets are NOT provided. A few years ago we took an informal survey at one of the group activities, and based on that survey, most attendees prefered to bring their own linens. All beds on campus are twin extra long. The beds, pillows, and blankets that are in each room provide minimal comfort. Bringing a mattress topper, your own pillow, and a pretty quilt for your bed will likely make your stay more enjoyable.
What meals are available on campus?
Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner are available in the campus dining hall, served cafeteria style. Please note, that there is not a coffee shop on campus that is open before or after the dining hall hours. If you need to have Coffee, Tea, or snacks, please come prepared. All dorm rooms have access to a refrigerator and a microwave. Most dietary restrictions can be accommodated by the dining staff. Please communicate your needs to the board through registration, so we can let them know what to expect.
College Dining Halls nationwide have adopted a no tray policy. This policy is based on research related to rapid weight gain by first year college students & minimizing food waste. If you feel that you need a tray to navigate the dining hall lines, we suggest that you bring a small tray along with you.
Parking & Transportation
Where is accessible parking?
There are a limited number of accessible parking spaces available in each lot. You must display a disability placard to use an accessible parking spot.
Is parking free?
In most cases, parking is free. If you chose on Street parking, there is a pay by phone system. Please note that the on Street parking is controlled by Gettysburg Borough, not the College. Parking tickets are issued regularly.
Is there parking near my room?
There are parking lots throughout the campus, however it is not guaranteed that parking will be available immediately adjacent to each classroom or dorm. Some dorms have parking just outside the room, but there are not enough spaces for everyone in every room to park in front of their room. If you are sharing a room with someone that you did not travel with, we strongly suggest parking one car in one of the larger parking lots, and utilizing one parking space near your room.
I’m driving in each day, where should I park?
Upon check in you will receive a map that contains parking and building locations. You will then be able to find the parking lot that will make the most sense for where you classes will be located.